Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Making Your Own Artwork

I am always on the lookout for artwork for my apartment.  I am very picky and the only artwork currently on my wall consists of framed vintage Bruce Springsteen posters, an Audrey Hepburn poster, and the LIFE magazine photo of JFK and RFK.  As many of you know, I am redecorating my large living space and I am in need of some new/creative artwork for my walk in area.  I was inspired by this link I saw on pinterest.  I made it my own and here are the results.  Enjoy!!

Custom Artwork

You will need:

(I bought a set of 7 square ones at Michaels for $11.99)

Acrylic Paint
(I used a basic black, you can use any color that matches your space but make sure it is Acrylic paint)

Fabric Paint
(Match the color to your acrylic paint or use an opposing color for a more pop art look.  I used the Slick type to make my designs pop more)

Mod Podge
(any type) 

Foam Paintbrush
(I recommend the foam brushes because bristle brushes can break off stick to your paint)

Fine Paintbrush
(this is for gluing the design to the canvas, the smaller your fabric paint strokes are, the smaller brush you will need)

(I used animal print, so I googled animal prints to find my patterns and then printed them)

Scotch Tape

Wax Paper

1.  Cut your wax paper according to the size of your canvas.

2.  Using your sponge brush, paint your canvas with acrylic paint (using black, I had to paint three coats)

3.  Lay out your design and tape it down to your workspace.  Lay the wax paper over the design and tape in place.
4.  Trace over the design on the wax paper with your fabric paint.  I am right handed so I started from the left and worked my way right so that I would not mess up the design.  I used a canvas that was larger than my printout so I had trace the design, remove the tape from the design paper and tape it down again.  Then I traced the right side of the design.  Let the fabric paint dry overnight.

5.  The next day, carefully remove each design from the wax paper.  MAKE SURE YOU WAIT OVERNIGHT OR THE PAINT WILL NOT BE DRY!!

6.  I followed the shape from the wax paper when I placed the design on the canvas.  Once I placed my designs on the canvas, I glued the designs one at a time on with mod podge and a small paintbrush.  I used the end of the paintbrush to tap down on the design so the glue would stick and to protect my hands from sticking and pulling the designs off of the canvas.  Let dry overnight!!!

 For me, I wanted to do a zebra print and I tried doing it as seen above, but the lines were so complicated to lay down on the canvas.  I free handed that design with fabric paint onto the canvas.  Once you practice you can do this with any design!!!

Click photo to see my masterpieces!!!

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