Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Beginnings of Creativity

I have been encouraged to begin a blog for several months now.  I am first and foremost a fashion designer but my love for crafts and creativity come from my Momma.  She was always taking classes and dragging my sisters and I to craft shows.  She inspired me to use my creative mind and realize there are no limits.  My first creative moment as a child was during one of our many craft show visits.  I saw potential for a wooden standing planter.  Being the small creative mind I was, I did not see it as a planter, but as a bed for my baby dolls.  That was the moment I discovered my potential for creativity.  I intend to share my creative ideas with you in the hopes that you will be inspired as well.  I encourage any ideas or pictures of your creations from my posts.  Thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy! 

 Momma and Me

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